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A Decomposition Approach for Manufacturing System Design by
Cochran D.S., Arinez, J.F., Duda, J.W., Linck, J.
CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2001
The research described in this paper develops an approach to help
manufacturing system designers: (1) clearly separate objectives from the
means of achievement, (2) relate low-level activities and decisions to
high-level goals and requirements, (3) understand the interrelationships
among the different elements of a system design, and (4) effectively
communicate this information across a manufacturing organization. This
research does so by describing a manufacturing system design
decomposition (MSDD). The MSDD enables a firm to simultaneously achieve
cost, quality, delivery responsiveness to the customer and flexibility
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The Impact of
Performance Measurement on Manufacturing System Design by Cochran, D. and Kim, Y. -S.
Proceedings of ICAD2000, First International Conference on Axiomatic
Design, 2000
This paper explains the cause and effect relationships between
performance measurement and manufacturing system design from a system
design perspective. As an example, it is illustrated why current
performance measurement methods cause plants to evolve into mass
production systems. Based on this understanding, this paper discusses the
usefulness of the axiomatic design approach to develop performance
measures that are aligned to the objectives of a company.
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Decision Support For
Manufacturing System Design -
Combining A Decomposition Methodology With Procedural Manufacturing
System Design by Cochran, D.S., Linck, J., Reinhart, G., Mauderer, M.
Proceedings of The Third World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing
Processes and Systems, 2000
The paper elaborates how the traditional design procedure can be linked
with the decomposition of manufacturing system requirements. The
combination of the design procedure with the functional decomposition
provides designers with a better tool to efficiently design manufacturing
systems by considering manufacturing system requirements throughout the
design process. A case study illustrates how the integrated design framework
can be applied.
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The Production
System Design and Deployment Framework by Cochran, D. S.
1999 SAE International Automotive Manufacturing Conference, Detroit, U.S.A.
This paper presents a revolutionary approach to determine the objectives
and the implementation of a “lean” production system design for a
manufacturing business as guided by the design axiom of independence.
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Equipment Evaluation
Tool Based on the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition by Gomez, D. D., Dobbs, D. C., Cochran, D.S.
Proceedings of The Third World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing
Processes and Systems, 2000
This paper presents an evaluation tool that can be used to determine how
well the physical characteristics of a particular piece of equipment (or
set of machines) satisfy the functional requirements of the manufacturing
system design. This evaluation tool for equipment is based on the
Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD).
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Machine Design to
Achieve Manufacturing System Objectives by Cochran, D. S.
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Production and
Operations Management Society, POMS-2000
This paper investigates why machines are presently designed to reduce
unit labor cost by increasing the speed of the machine or by eliminating
direct labor altogether with automation. Machine design practices are
currently shown to be operationally focused rather than system focused.
This paper illustrates the way the unit cost equation and
operationally-focused machine design approaches combine to result in
costly factory-system implementations that do not achieve the enterprise
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Application of a
Production System Design Framework to Equipment Design by Arinez, J.F., Cochran, D.S.
CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2000
This paper presents a production system design framework and how it may
be applied to equipment design and improve system design. The framework
consists of a structured decomposition of production system functional
requirements that are related to design parameters of subsystem
components via design matrices. The decomposition has been used to
generate equipment design guidelines and this paper presents an extension
of this approach to integrate equipment design decomposition with that of
the production system.
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Manufacturing System Design and Performance with the Manufacturing System
Design Decomposition Approach by
Cochran, D.S., Dobbs, Daniel C.
CIRP - Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2001
This paper contrasts the design of the manufacturing systems at two North
American automotive component manufacturing plants with the Manufacturing
System Design Decomposition (MSDD).
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Manufacturing System
Design of Automotive Bumper Manufacturing by Cochran, D.S., Linck., J., Won, J.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2001
This paper presents an evaluation of the manufacturing system design of
two automotive manufacturing plants located in North America. The
qualitative outcome of this study illustrates that the plant that more
closely achieves the requirements stated by the MSDD better satisfies the
desired results of a manufacturing enterprise.
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The Application of
Axiomatic Design to the Design of the Product Development Organization by Lenz, R., Cochran, D. S.
Proceedings of ICAD2000, First International Conference on Axiomatic
Design, 2000
This application of Axiomatic Design strives to provide a framework for
the design of the organization of product development. It follows current
research to expand the current theory of Axiomatic Design to complex
systems, like software design or the design of manufacturing systems.
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Converting from
Moving Assembly Lines to Cells by Estrada, D., Shukla, A., Cochran, D. S.
Proceedings of The Third World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing
Processes and Systems, 2000
The work presented herein focuses on an assignment to convert a moving
assembly line -- typically associated with mass systems -- into cells
which serve as the building block of a lean manufacturing system. Once
the cells were implemented, the two subsystems were compared in terms of
1) design process, 2) quantifiable measures, and 3) non-quantifiable
benefits. The intent of this paper is to show how the measures used for
system comparison, quantifiable and non-quantifiable, take root in the
design phase.
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Design of
Manufacturing Systems to Support Volume Flexibility by Charles, M., Cochran, D. S., Dobbs, D.C.
1999 SAE International Automotive Manufacturing Conference
This paper presents an Axiomatic Design framework for manufacturing
system design and illustrates how lean cellular manufacturing can achieve
volume flexibility.
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The Application of
Axiomatic Design and Lean Management Principles in the Scope of
Production System Segmentation by Cochran, D. S., Eversheim, W., Kubin, G., Sesterhenn, M. L.
International Journal of Production Research, 2000
One opportunity to optimize production system design is segmentation of
the manufacturing enterprise into small, flexible and decentralized
production units. The presented segmentation procedure utilizes an
Axiomatic Design framework and supports Lean Management practices
following strategic, organizational, and technological design aspects. A
case study exemplifies the developed methodology to improve
competitiveness of a manufacturing company.
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Rationalizing the
Design of the Toyota Production System: A Comparison of Two Approaches by Won, J., Cochran, D., Johnson, H.T.,
Bouzekouk, S., Masha, B.
Proceedings of International CIRP Design Seminar--Design in the New
Economy, 2001
This paper examines two recent attempts to develop frameworks to explain
the Toyota Production System (TPS): Spear and Bowen's Decoding the DNA of
the Toyota Production System and Cochran's A Decomposition Approach for
Manufacturing System Design.
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The Role of Physical
Simulation in the Re-Design of Existing Manufacturing Systems by Cochran, D., Zhao, Z., Ng, Q.
Proceedings of International CIRP Design Seminar--Design in the New
Economy, 2001
This paper presents a methodology to re-design an existing manufacturing
system based on implementation experience and illustrates the role and
use of physical simulation in the manufacturing system re-design process.
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Impact of System
Design, Organizational Processes and Leadership on Manufacturing System
Design and Implementation by
Shukla, A., Cochran, D.
Proceedings of International CIRP Design Seminar--Design in the New
Economy, 2001
Manufacturing system design methodologies often ignore the importance of
enterprise related issues that affect the implementation and improvement
efforts. This paper proposes a set of hypotheses on reasons for poor
systemic performance illustrated by a case discussion and finally
suggests a broad methodology for future implementations.
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Redesigning a Mass
Manufacturing System to Achieve Today's Manufacturing System Objectives by Cochran, D., Kim, Y. -S., Carl, H.,
Weidemann, M.H.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2001
In this paper, the design processes of a ‘lean’ manufacturing plant that
will replace the current ‘mass’ type plant of a major automotive supplier
are presented. Design decision criteria associated with these conversion
processes are illustrated according to a set of ‘lean manufacturing
principles’. Financial justification is achieved by comparing the two
systems in terms of operating costs.
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The Manufacturing
System Design Decomposition in the Automotive Electronics Industry by Oropeza, G., Tapia, C., Cochran, D.S.
Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2001
The objective of this paper is to present a method for developing a set
of requirements for the design of manufacturing systems. The
effectiveness of this method is evaluated through an analysis of the
evolution of the manufacturing system design in the automotive electronic
components industry.
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