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About Us

System Design, LLC, works with companies overwhelmed by the plethora of tools that seemingly help them to improve workflow and reduce piece-part costs, but that are only partially effective and not sustained over the long term. Their focus on the implementation of these toolsets limits the company's ability to develop systems within their organization that stimulate growth and innovation. Founded in 2002 by Dr. David S. Cochran, former Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT and two-time winner of the prestigious Shingo Prize for Excellence in Manufacturing for his work in the design of "lean" systems, System Design, LLC provides consulting, education, and leadership expertise in sustainable and regenerative enterprise system design to companies around the globe.

Collective System Design™ (CSD), a methodology developed by Dr. Cochran, is built on the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) and Product Delivery System (PDS) decomposition that Dr. Cochran and his research group developed during his 9-year tenure at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This approach is different from assembling machines together and attempting to implement the buzz-word strategy of the month. CSD is a logical, customized approach to providing a consistent, stable method of product delivery and system implementation.


David S. Cochran, PhD.

Phone: (617-901-2108)

